Download Opera 11.61

Opera browser

As well as we knowed, Opera is one of the most popular web browser. Many of internet user used this Opera browser to surfing on the internet. Now, Opera was released a new version one, it is Opera 11.61.

User Interface
  • Add icon in the address field to enable all plug-ins on the page when using "Enable plug-ins only on demand"
  • New Add to Panel dialog to replace the old Bookmarks dialog
  • Additional refinement of the featherweight skin
  • Improved Opera skin installation
  • Updated Hunspell component to 1.3.1
  • Improved plug-in install wizard
You can download Opera 11.61 with using link bellow :

Beside this, Opera also have mobile browser version that called Opera mini and Opera Mobile. If you use a phone or ipad to surfing internet, you can use Opera mini and Opera Mobile. Get it with visit this link Download Opera mini and Opera Mobile

Download bubbles theme pack for windows 7

bubbles theme pack

Microsoft has released bubble theme for windows 7. This theme is very interesting to used. Desktop wallpaper display about bubbles so the kids will like this. Besides that, the screen saver show as a bubbles that can move on the desktop like a real bubbles. If you want to bubbules screen saver and bubbles theme you can use follow link to download

Download 7-Zip | Free File Archive Utility

7-Zip is one of most popular file archive utility. Most of that utilities is shareware wich must paid first to get full feature from the utility. But 7-Zip is open source and free file archive utility and any user can use it full version with free. 7-Zip allows you to extract/unpack wide range of format like RAR, ZIP, ISO, DMG, VHD, TAR, 7z, GZIP, RPM, MSI, WIM etc. Like other same utility, you can compress any file with 7-Zip with default format is 7z. 7-Zip integrated with Windows explorer and allows for creating self-extracting archives.


Bellow is feature list of 7-Zip :
  • Supported formats for packing / unpacking: 7z, XZ, BZIP2, GZIP, TAR, ZIP and WIM
  • Supported formats for unpacking only: ARJ, CAB, CHM, CPIO, CramFS, DEB, DMG, FAT, HFS, ISO, LZH, LZMA, MBR, MSI, NSIS, NTFS, RAR, RPM, SquashFS, UDF, VHD, WIM, XAR and Z.
  • High compression ratio in 7z format with LZMA and LZMA2 compression
  • Powerful File Manager
  • Integration with Windows Shell
  • Self-extracting capability for 7z format
  • Strong AES-256 encryption in 7z and ZIP formats
If you want to use 7-Zip for File Archive, you can download it using link bellow :
>>>Download 7Zip Latest Stable Version 9.20<<<

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Get AVG Anti Virus 2012 Pro Full Version Free 1 Year

Avg Antivirus is one of more popular antivirus. AVG has two kind of the AVG antivirus is AVG Antivirus Free version and AVG antivirus Pro Version. AVG Antivirus Free Version can downloaded and used for free, Avg antivirus pro version you must be paid to get it. Antivirus Pro Version more completes features than Avg Antivirus Free version. provides free genuine 1 year AVG Antivirus 2012 license key. This event only applies for you who are in the territory of the United Kingdom. If you are outside the territory of the united Kingdom, you will not get this license although using a proxy, because they do it manually for all request.

To get license AVG Antivirus 2012 for 1 year follow this step :
  1. Visit
  2. Log in with your account. If you don’t have, create an account and then login with your accont.

  3. Click on the “Get Serial Code” and follow the next process.
If you are outside the territory of the United Kingdom, you wil get a message that you can not follow this program because you are outside the territory of the UK.

To get AVG 2012 for free version, follow link download bellow :

Download Mozilla Firefox 10. Beta

mozilla firefox 10 beta

Now, Mozilla has release their products of the browser Mozilla Firefox. That is Mozilla Firefox 10 beta. If you are user of firefox browser, you can try it. New features in this beta version is :
  • CSS3 3D-Transforms are now supported
  • Anti-Aliasing for WebGL is now implemented
  • New element for bi-directional text isolation, along with supporting CSS properties
  • The forward button is now hidden until you navigate back
  • Full Screen APIs allow you to build a web application that runs full screen
  • [Fixed] Some users may experience a crash when moving bookmarks
Follow this link bellow to download Mozilla firefox 10 beta. Select your languge and operating system.

Convert text image to text

Did you have a text on the paper, like a book, biography, story life or text about science, tutorial, etc, and you want to write again on the computer ?, so you can use the online convert image to text if you don’t have an OCR scanner. With this way you don't need write manually again. The first step is scan your letter with scanner, and it result is image with jpg, png, etc units. Save your image to the folder in hard drive.

Next step is visit this address onlineocr
Browse your image file and then upload it (max file size is 4 mb)
online ocr
If this done, choose Recognition language and output format options. So fill enter code that shown and then click Recognize.

convert jpg to text
Now you can download out put file and then you can edit the text.

Download Google Chrome full standalone offline installer

Google chrome is very popular browser among all internet users. chrome with a minimalist display, allows users to browse the internet and is very easy to use. You can download google chrome using google chrome home page with online installation.

download google chrome full installer

The other way to install google chrome browser is use the google chrome standalone installer. You can installed on your computer without the internet connection. To get google chrome standalone installer (24mb), you can download it using this link bellow :

List of keyboard shortcuts in Windows 7

For some users, the keyboard shortcut is very important for improving productivity. By using the keyboard shortcut user can save time for display applications compared to using a mouse. If you prefer using keyboard shortcuts, here are some keyboard shortcuts in Windows 7:
  • Windows key + UP Arrow : maximize the window
  • Windows key + Down Arrow : Minimize the window
  • Windows key + Left Arrow : The windows to the left
  • Windows key + Right Arrow : the right flat The windows
  • Windows key + Home : minimize all windows
  • Windows key + P : To display the projector's menu
  • Alt + F4 : Closes the currently active window
  • Alt + Tab : move to next window
  • Windows + Tab button : To switch between windows
  • Windows key + T : To move between items on the taskbar
  • Windows key + M : Minimize all windows
  • Windows key + Shift + M : To return the state before the minimized
  • Windows key + D : Show desktop
  • Windows key + Space : All windows appear transparent
  • Windows key + X : Displays the mobility center menu
  • Windows key + (+/-) : zoom in / zoom out (Magnifier)
  • Windows key + U : Open Access Center
  • Windows key + F : Opens the search window
  • Windows key + E : Opens windows explorer
  • Windows key + R : Opens the Run window
  • Windows key + Pause / Break : Opens the System Properties window
  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc : Opens the Windows Task Manager

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